The Story
A powerful explosion in the distant Tar Burning Pits disturbs the everyday life of a small Sámi village. An odd disorder start to spread in Sámiland, infecting the land, threatening every being and their spirits.
At the same time, while searching for a missing reindeer, Áilu stumbles on an object of might, an old Noaidi drum, something that was supposed to be gone and forgotten.
Time is running out for the infected, but the long lost knowledge of Sámi healers, Noaidit, is still beating within the drum.
All hope is not lost!

Áilu & Family
Áilu lives with their family in Siida, a small Sámi village, that depend on the reindeer to survive.
The village is located by the fjord, far far away in the north. Despite of Siida's remote location, the outside world has found a way in and more and more outsiders have been visiting the area in the recent years.

An orphan Sámi adopted by their uncle's family. A peace-loving daydreamer, who wishes to have their own reindeer someday. Doesn’t really seek for the adventures, rather avoids them as much as possible, but sometimes the universe has something else in mind.

Áilu’s grandmother. A walking and talking memory of the village: knows every story told from the time immemorial. She states that she doesn’t believe the old deities but Nana has witnessed her making small sacrifices to the old Sieidi stones every now and then.
Áilu’s uncle and the head of Siida. An experienced reindeer herder and the owner of the village herd. Doesn’t really speak that much, but when he says something... One certainly wants to hear it.

Áilu’s 1 st cousin. Almost of age and can't wait to see the world! As most of the people her age, she is tired of the old rules: who said she couldn't add more decorative bands to her dress if she wanted to?

Áilu’s favourite cousin. Source: Nana. A headstrong lastborn of the village. Knows everyone's secrets and is braver than all of the villagers combined. Has a habit of “saving” small animals and pretending to be their guardian.

A French explorer who appeared to the village almost a year ago and stayed there ever since, despite of Mihkkal’s not-so-subtle hints to leave. He claims to study the flora & fauna and the people of the area, but Nana is sure it is not the only reason he is there for.